Friday, June 8, 2012

How to Train Like An MMA Fighter

If you’re like me, you probably have seen MMA fights and, even if you don’t like the fighting or violence, you are probably in awe of the incredible physical condition and shape the fighters are in. I mean, come on, these guys take beatings (quite literally) and yet are full of endurance and energy through it all. Not to mention the fact that they’re straight ripped as well.

So I went looking for a training system. Now, let it be known, I’m not really anything of a physical specimen. I’m pretty average in height, weight, and build for a 27 year old guy. And I really don’t even like the fight aspect of MMA, just the toughness. So, I wanted to find something to help me get ripped and stronger, along with endurance. Why? Because chicks dig it! I just wanted to know how to get in shape like an MMA fighter, or at least how to work out like an MMA guy.

Anyways, I tried a couple things I found on YouTube and a couple manuals and stuff I got from a friend. In the end, I felt like they kinda helped me in small ways (arms, abs, etc) but not as a whole.
Long story short, I ended up getting referred to Eric Wong’s site and so far, so good! I don’t know Eric personally, nor do I know anyone that knows him, but he says he’s trained some fairly big names, and his whole life is pretty much MMA training. That got my attention.

Of course, like any MMA training system, Eric’s has some pros and cons.
The pros include the fact that its only 2 days a week. Of course, everyone says, “Is 2 days a week enough to get ripped?” My answer: YES! In fact, it seems to be about all I can handle. These are tough workouts!
Another pro is Eric’s credentials. Just look at his landing page and you’ll see some of what he’s done. He’s definitely more of an expert than any other person/system I’ve trained with.
Also, his system focuses a lot on cardio and endurance. As he says, skill doesn’t matter if you run out of gas at the end. And those are 2 things I was really looking for.
As far as cons go, you do need to have a bit of equipment. It’s pretty basic, but I don’t have it in my home, so I’ve just run to the gym. It includes:
  • Barbell
  • Dumbbells
  • Squat rack
  • Bench for bench pressing
  • Chinup bar
  • Swiss ball
Also, like I said, these workouts are tough! If you’re down with it though, it’s worth it. But don’t get it expecting to waltz into toughness, cardio, and endurance without a little pain!
Anyways, last words—I’d recommend it to anyone. In fact, I have to quite a few people. A couple buddies of mine have started with me, and every Tuesday and Thursday we are CRUSHING these workouts. Pretty sweet stuff and I am already feeling tougher…although still not sure if I’ll actually fight.

About the author: James Malone has written for numerous health blogs and is into fitness, hanging out, getting girls, and being cool. He frequently contributes to this blog.

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